Making noni juice, or jus mengkudu, is relatively straightforward, although noni fruit has a pungent odor and a strong, somewhat bitter taste. However, some people enjoy its potential health benefits, which include antioxidant properties and potential anti-inflammatory effects. Here's a simple recipe for making noni juice:


  • Ripe noni fruit (mengkudu), washed thoroughly
  • Water
  • Optional: honey or sugar to sweeten (due to its strong taste)


  1. Start by washing the noni fruit thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Once clean, cut the noni fruit into smaller pieces, including the skin and seeds. Some people choose to remove the seeds, but they contain many beneficial nutrients.
  3. Place the chopped noni fruit into a blender or food processor.
  4. Add a small amount of water to the blender. The exact amount can vary depending on your preference for the thickness of the juice.
  5. Blend the noni fruit and water mixture until smooth. You may need to stop and scrape down the sides of the blender to ensure all the fruit is well blended.
  6. Once blended, strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any solids, including seeds and pulp. Press down on the solids to extract as much liquid as possible.
  7. If desired, sweeten the noni juice with honey or sugar to taste. Noni juice can be quite bitter, so adding a sweetener can help improve its palatability.
  8. Stir the sweetener into the juice until it is fully dissolved.
  9. Transfer the noni juice to a clean container or bottle for storage.
  10. Refrigerate the noni juice and consume it within a few days to maintain freshness.

Noni juice is typically consumed in small quantities due to its strong taste. Some people dilute it with water or mix it with other fruit juices to make it more palatable. As with any homemade juice, be sure to wash all equipment thoroughly before and after use to prevent contamination. Enjoy your homemade noni juice!


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