Rujak Tibah is one of the 5 typical Rujak from Bali. Rujak Tibah is not much different from other types of Rujak in general, which has a sauce made from peanuts, salt, lime, chili, and palm sugar. What sets Rujak Tibah apart from other Rujak is its fruit. Rujak Tibah uses thinly sliced young noni fruit.

Quoted from, noni has several benefits, including increasing stamina, reducing postoperative nausea, lowering high blood pressure, and relieving osteoarthritis.

Ingredients for making Rujak Tibah:

-3 Noni fruits -1 ripe mango -Palm sugar water -A few bird's eye chilies -Salt to taste -Tamarind to taste -A few pieces of papaya

Preparation process:

Fruit: Wash the noni fruit thoroughly, then peel and slice according to taste. Seasoning: grind the chili, salt, palm sugar, and tamarind. Once smooth, add a little water and mix with the sliced noni fruit. Serve with slices of mango and papaya.


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